Saturday, January 31, 2009

Transcript of an all-too-common conversation

Setting: The sun is peeking out from beneath the trees as dusk falls upon the city of Lucknow, India. A dashing young man - a foreigner - is attempting to hail an auto rickshaw on the street corner.

David (the foreigner): Hazraat Ganj?

Auto driver: Eh? Yeh yeh eh yeh

David: Ok, great.

David gets into the autorickshaw and sits next to another man.

The ride is silent for a few moments. The man, an Indian, stares at David, who shifts uncomfortably in his seat while pretending not to notice.

Man: You from where?

David: Oh...the US.

Man (suddenly smiling): Oh!

David: Yeah.

Man: Obama!

David: Yeah? He's the president.

Man: Washington D.C.!

David: Yeah, Washington.

Man: Capital.

David: You're right.

Man: Lucknow is capital.

David: Yeah! It is...very nice.

Man: Obama young man.

David: Hm ye...

Man: 47? Young man...very young man.

David: Well I gue..

Man: Chicago!

David: ...Um yeah...that's the city Obama is from.

Man: Obama.

David (nodding): Yup...

The autorickshaw slows and David pays the driver and starts to get out.

David: All right, bye.

Man (smiling and waving): Obama!


Don't let the smiling fool you though. They still try to charge me more for everything.

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